Serves 4
o 1.5lb firmed flesh fish
o 1 large onion,sliced
o 3 cloves
o 4 tbsp oil
o 6 tbsp Fish curry powder (or buy ready made fish curry paste from indian mama shop)
o 1 cup coconut milk
o 2 cups tamarind water (or buy ready made fish curry paste from indian mama shop)
o handful of okra,whole (or buy ready made fish curry paste from indian mama shop)
o 1 small egg plant, cut in wedges
o 2 small tomatoes
o 8-10 curry leaves
o Fish spices(seperate from curry powder)
o 1 cinnamon stick
o 2 star annise seed
o 2 cloves
o 1/2 tsp fennel seeds
o 1/2 tsp mustard seeds
o 3-4 cardamon pods
1. heat oil in a frying pan
2. fry fish spices with onion slices, and garlic until fragrant. Then add fish spices, for about 3-5 minutes
3. mix curry powder with 400ml water, and stir well, adding tamarind water and cocnut milk.Add to fish.
4. leave it to simmer for about 15-20 min.Add in vegetables.Cook for another 10 min till vegies soften.
5. add salt to taste, and curry leaves
6. serve with rice or roti
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