Korean Stir-fry Glass Noodles (Happy Call)

(Serves: 2-3 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 10 minutes)

1 Packet CJ Brand Japchae(韩式炒粉丝)
100g Beef Fillet, cut into 2" long sticks 
1 Medium Brown Onion, thinly sliced
1 Medium Carrot, shred into 2" long 
4 Medium Fresh Shiitake Mushroom, sliced
2 Stalks Spring Onion, cut into section
2 Garlic Cloves(minced), optional
1/2 Tablespoon Sesame Oil
1 Teaspoon Roasted Sesame Seeds
Some Chopped Spring Onion
100g Spinach(optional), cut into sections 

1. Boil glass noodle in boiling water for about 3 minutes, till soften. Rinse with water, drained well and put in a large bowl.

2. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, saute minced garlic, brown onion and spring onion till fragrant, stir in shiitake mushrooms and marinated beef strips with 1 Tablespoon of Japache sauce (mix 1 teaspoon of roasted sesame seeds with the pre-mixed Japache sauce included in the pack) and give it a quick toss.

3. Next add in the shredded carrot, cooked noodles and Japache sauce into the pan and cook on low heat, stirring frequently until all the sauce is mixed well.

4. Drizzle some extra sesame oil and mix well before serving.

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