Why chinese soups are good

Nutritious water

Since ancient times, man has discovered that boiling meat and vegetables in water cause their nutrients to be released into the water.

Drinking this liquid, the body can then absorb and assimilate these nutrients quickly without having to digest and break down the meat and vegetables. An ideal way to obtain loads of nutrients minus the calories

The earliest nation to drink soup is Ancient Greece.

It has been said that during the Olympics, every athlete brings a goat or calf to the temple of Zeus to participate in the rituals. During the rituals, these animals were killed and cooked in a huge pot. The meat was distributed to the non-athletes present while the soup is given to the athletes to drink to increase their strength.

Ingredients and functions

Different ingredients used to make soups determine what the soup can do for the body. Some common ingredients include chicken, bones (pork, beef, chicken carcass) and vegetables.


1. Chicken Soup - the hero against flu and colds

There is something comforting about a bowl of chicken soup.

It is not just the Chinese who likes to use chicken to make soup many cultures have also recognized its efficacy, especially for colds and flu.

Chicken soup relieves coughs and sore throats because the gentle heat from the soup improves blood circulation near the throat and windpipe.

It also helps eliminate any bacteria or viruses entering the system through the throat and windpipe. The chicken and any vegetables used also provide much needed supplements to boost the immunity system.

Check out these healthy soup recipes using chicken.


2. Bone Soup - fight against osteoporosis

Have you noticed how people seem to shrink with age?

It is a sign of aging and osteoporosis. As people age, their bones become thin and compressed under pressure, resulting in the loss of height. Ladies face greater risks of osteoporosis, especially those who seldom exercise or do strength training.

Doctors have advised high risk people to start taking calcium supplements and to drink more milk. The problem is many of us, especially Chinese, are lactose-intolerant. We can't drink a lot of milk as we are unable to digest the lactose in milk. I have personal experience of how uncomfortable indigestion from lactose can be.

But there is a happy solution. Soups made from bones contain calcium ions, which is easily absorbed by the body. To me, drinking soups is more enjoyable than taking calcium supplements or suffering from lactose indigestion. What do you think?

Photo source: noodlepie at flickr

Bone soups also contain collagen, proteins, fats and natural salt. All these enhance micro-circulation. Better micro-circulation means better cell production. Better cell production means delayed aging. And who doesn't want that.

The Chinese usually use pork bones to make bone soups. Chicken carcass is also a good choice. Just make sure the fats are trimmed off.

Check out these healthy soup recipes using pork bones.


3. Vegetable Soup - the natural detoxifier

Vegetable soup has many wonderful qualities:

i. Alkalinity

The body has a natural and constant process to detoxify and transport toxins via the bloodstream to the kidneys and liver to be eliminated from the body.

This detoxifying process requires blood to be slightly alkaline in ph in order to eliminate toxins effectively.

However, modern day living with stress and unhealthy diets have increased the acidity of our bodies. To restore the balance, drink vegetable soups. They help to maintain the weak alkaline ph.

ii. Constipation

Constipation traps toxins in the body.

An important part of a detoxification program is to ensure good bowel movements.

Bowel movement can be encouraged by consuming large amount of soluble fiber through vegetable soups. I think this is a better natural remedy for constipation than taking laxatives.

iii. Cholesterol

Research has shown that certain vegetable fiber stabilizes the ratio of blood lipids and cholesterol. Good news for people with high cholesterol caused by high-fat diets!

Start drinking vegetable soups and check with your doctors frequently. You may be surprised when the doctors reduce the dosage or even stop your cholesterol medication.

iv. Dieting

People on diets to control their weight can also try vegetable soups. When hunger pangs strike, people can become irrational and go on a binge. Relieve the hunger pangs with good nutritious soups (especially light clear soups).

Vegetable soups provide more nutrients, eliminate toxins and excess fats from the body and may give dieters more energy.

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